The artist (that's me!) on a windy Plein Air day in La Paz, Mexico

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Guardians - Painting Process start - finish

20 x 16 drawn with palette knife and super heavy gesso on gessoed 1/4 inch MDF panel.  Painted wet into wet with some brush work and mostly palette knife work.  Done in an Impressionistic style with a hint of semi abstract.

Step 1 (above) draw in shapes of aspens with super heavy gesso and palette knife

Step 2:  Paint in BG & FG with palette knife and some large brush work (wet into wet) - see above

 Step 3:  Finish up FG and adjustments to BG & MG wet into wet blending of color - see above

Finish aspens with palette knife wet into wet and make necessary adjustment within the painting.
This was painted alla prima

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